AstroNupur is counted as the pioneer name among the best astrologers in India. We provide astrological services to our users which completely depend upon the Vedic and modern rules of Astrology, Numerology, and various other horoscope defining sciences. To serve our users with the best results for their query, the user is asked to provide certain personal information that may include the date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, home location, members in the house, etc.
Under our privacy policy, the user agrees to
As a responsible service provider of sacred science, we consider it our responsibility to deal very cautiously with our user’s data and information. We keep the information provided by our customers and users highly confidential. Below is our privacy policy which states how we use the information given by our customers on
Below is a brief about the enclosures in the Privacy Policy.
At, we collect certain personal data from the user through direct interaction, telephonic conversations, various forms, emails, IP address, and cookies. All these information are kept highly confidential and used for either user’s service or to generate data regarding the demographics and traffic origins. This information will be used internally without harming the user or user’s device through any means. This will remain strictly accessible to the website admin only.
At, user can opt for online payment through PayPal, Paytm, PhonePe, Google Pay, and Online Bank Transfer for the payment of any services availed by them. Under no circumstances, this information will be fetched, used, or shared with anybody outside. Also, we do not store such information in our database in order to minimize the risk of illegal data exposure. contains a lot of pages with content which may be linked to some external websites for reference purpose. Though we place the links with utmost care and verify the background and genuineness of the alleged link, holds no liability and responsibility of the said link.
We keep changing our services and products while progressing. Hence, the privacy policies may change with time and the user is requested to keep checking this page for a better understanding of the latest privacy policies at
In case you need any help, you can mail us at